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jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

The Vampire Effect

in recent days we have noticed that we seem not able to do the things we have always wanted to do, we notice that we seem like we all live in the capital city life is fast and polution is high, even if we love it or not we contstantly find our life being a huge routine, where its a huge cycle of events that just dont seem to end. recently i read from a well known author who stated that even the president of the biggest multinational company and most hard working man has only 24 hours a day not a split second more nor less. anywas this blog is not at all dedicated to time managment it is something totaly different where i see it as a burden to people in todays life but some just dont seem to see it as we are all in out little boxes trying to find out about our next move.

recently i have been having very interesting conflicts with my Room mate, but this got me to sit down and think what could be her problem and i had one solution!! ENERGY VAMPIRES!! have you noticed how Some people bring unexpected lightness and comfort to your life. They crackle with energy, practically electrify you with their presence. And then there are those who leave you feeling stressed out. Or guilty. Or exhausted down to your very last molecule.

I call them energy vampires (please note that the term blood vampire has also been used to refere to redundant electrical apliances that drain and waste energy), and obnoxious or meek, they come in all forms. The sob sister, for one, always considers herself the victim. The world is always against her, and she'll recount every horrible thing that has happened to her, wallowing in every perceived slight.

reader i know that im pretty dramatic about the way i react to people and life in general but wait wait waiiiiiiiit !!!! These people Exist you dont have to be a Rocket Scientist to spot them!! They live among us.
In human form.

To the untrained eye, it is almost impossible to tell the difference.
Typically they look like you and I.
But they're not. i sometimes think they are what we call aliens (you know from the Men in Black movies!!
Even though they try to look like us, They're not like us at all.

They are Vampires and their modus operandi is not to steal your blood but rather, your precious energy.
Your life-force.
Your mojo.
and slowly yout liife and your happiness you see yourself contantly worrying or feeling uncomfortable of previously enjoyed situations! as their main objective is only to drain you emotionally and psychologically.
to frustrate you with their repetitious, self-indulgent, attention-seeking diatribe.

They are often bitter, angry and resentful.... and they want you to share their pain.
They don't want solutions, they want pity.
They don't want constructive feedback, they want attention.
They don't want to take responsibility, they want to blame and vent.
They seem to revel in their own misery.
Day in, day out.
They have the same conversations about the same issues with the same people and produce the same result; no change.

They major on minors.
They bring others down.
They have a gift for finding the negative and if they dont find it they will make it.

They are emotionally exhausting to be around.

They inhabit our work places, our families, our schools and they permeate every corner of society and unfortunately im living with one and im praying for devine intervention.

Note: I will point out that Energy Vampires are not to be confused with the vast majority of people who simply need help, support, direction and care... and are serious about working on themselves and their situation. They are also not to be confused with people who are genuinely looking for answers (not attention or sympathy) and are prepared to accept responsibility, be accountable and be proactive.

No, the people I'm talking about here are relentless in their negativity and their 'woe-is-me' ness (a Craigism).

As most of you know me, I love helping people in what ever way that i can and help them create their best life and I choose to spend much of my life working with a wide range of people to help them confront and deal with their issues even though some times mine are more than theirs i will always be there to help and create their own version of amazing... but I'm not about letting people monopolise (or waste) my time and energy and I won't buy into their crap attitude or their negativity. I don't care how messed up someone's life or situation is, if they have a good attitude, I'll help them.

No matter which type of energy vampire you're dealing with, you're allowed to walk away. Many of us find this really hard to do jaja especially myself im always the guy who ends up buying something i dont want from a shop cause i cant say no to the seller because, we're afraid of being thought of as impolite; we don't want to offend people. But there are plenty of ways to remove yourself from a killing conversation. When leaving isn't an option, you can still maintain your energy level by making a few minor adjustments. Negative People

in my case i am not educated and well equipped to tell you how to deal with energy vampires but you should rebuke vampires once you IDENTIFY THEM!!! y Listooo! do not waste time being nice tell them they need help or in my case insist on transparency once you talk of something consider it closed and move on! look for other results not deal with the same topic!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey, Tawie, read this a couple days ago, didn't find the time to to comment it before as I had some things going on my head. Well I actually couldn't agree more to it, you know, this whole drama-queen's stuff. Because even though, let's face it, some people have harder lives than others, the point of it isn't to be all day crying about it, but to do something to change it, or if you just can't seem to change that reality, at least make it something you can tolerate, and focus on the good things instead. And it is kinda sad to see people like this, but at the end if you don't realize that's what they do and who they are it will end up affecting you. Might sound selfish, but it's always better to walk away from this kind of people as at the end of the day what really matters is how you feel rather than how the others do, or at least that my own opinion. Anyway, it's always good to read you, bro. Take care.

  2. hey tawa, i love the way you wrote this. i hope you keep writing because it's interesting. lau
